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Zuru Rainbocorns Sequin Surprise Puppycorn Rescue- Series 5 Bulk

SKU AWL-161-A2606




Cuddle and snuggle these furry friends back to health with Rainbocorns Puppycorn Rescue! Over in Rainboville some of the puppies aren’t feeling well and need your hugs and kisses to rescue them! Pop open the egg to find your puppy patient and over 12 magical surprises! Erase the Puppycorns magic heart to reveal what’s got your poorly puppy feeling blue then use the healing accessories like bandages and slime syringes to nurse your Puppycorn back to health. Read the X-Rays and health report to get to know your puppy patient and heal their boo-boos with bandage stickers! There are 7 perfect puppies to nurse back to health each with a new Dr Boo-Boocorn and over 12 surprises to help with your rescue. Will you save Peaches, Beau, Lottie or Squash? Follow the collectors guide to help heal Rainboville one kiss and cuddle at a time with Puppycorn Rescue!

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